Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Delicious Smoothies that Make Your Skin Glow

Smoothies That Are Good For Your Skin

There is nothing more delicious and relaxing than sipping on a delicious smoothie. Smoothies have been becoming more and more popular because they are not only a refreshing drink, but also due to their health benefits. There are countless smoothies that can help to improve your health by giving you great doses of fruits and vegetables, and Vine Vera Cosmetics recommends delicious smoothies that make your skin glow as a part of your skin care routine.
For a refreshing beverage that will make your tongue tingle, try a kale, mint, and coconut smoothie. Kale and mint possess anti-inflammatory properties. When the skin becomes inflamed you can suffer from redness, puffiness, and breakouts of acne. Coconut helps to eliminate free radicals caused by the sun or pollution since coconut is full of antioxidants.
Enjoy a juicy treat with an Acai smoothie. Acai has recently been called a power fruit, and it has many healthy benefits. It is packed with antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acids, fiber, and key minerals. The omega-3 fatty acids found in acai help to keep skin strong and looking youthful and vibrant.
A lot of punch is packed into a smoothie comprised of hemp seeds, dandelion greens, avocado, and coconut water. Avocado is rich in antioxidants that help to clear the skin and make it glow from the inside out. Coconut water is full of potassium that helps skin cells better absorb water so that they remain hydrated.

A green tea smoothie with mint and honey is a great way to stay refreshed and healthy while having some amazing benefits for your skin. Green tea is full of anti-aging antioxidants and helps to prevent damage to your skin caused by everyday factors. In addition, the honey and mint in this smoothie will help to reduce inflammation and also help to keep bad bacteria out of your digestive system so that you feel better overall. Vine Vera Cosmetics hopes you have found these tips on helpful smoothies that make your skin glow of great help to you since having beautiful, healthy skin is so important. You can take a look at Natural Beauty Tips & Secrets From Vine Vera Skin Care for some more wonderful tips for your skin care.


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