Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Difference Between A Celebrity And You

Celebrities in America sit atop a golden mountain, loved and admired (and sometimes, hated) by the public. Their actions and choices drive fashion, culture, and trends.  We find ourselves naming hairdos, clothes, even specific looks, and even body parts after the famous people they are attached to.  Celebrities and their looks seem to be something close enough to reach out and touch, but not close enough for us to ever grab hold of.  Many people wish that they could look like their favorite celeb, because the glitterati, the beautiful people, exude perfection.

But it would surprise many to find out that celebrities are not, in fact, perfect.  Though no one is, their flawless good looks and seemingly perfect everything is often not really theirs.  Celebs get the benefit of daily access to experts in the hair, makeup, and clothing fields who work tirelessly to give them that look that they need, and ply them with every product on the market that money can buy to ensure that look of perfection. The big secret is that we all have access to those same products, which do the same thing, and can provide us with the same results, helping you to look like a celebrity.

For a cosmetics company like Vine Vera, whose entire line is based on those same amazing results, this is not a difficult task.  With skincare products of every kind, the line of masks, cleansers, toners, and moisturizers available can give you the same even, beautiful look that you see in magazines and on television.  The secret is in not just covering up problems, but in actually healing and protecting the skin at the same time.  There are many brands on the market that claim to be able to do this through one form or another, but one of the best ways to really protect and treat skin is resveratrol, a naturally occurring antioxidant found in the skin of red grapes, which works wonders on the skin, and gives it a healthy, fresh look and feel.

Resveratrol treats skin by removing dead layers, and penetrating deep to make the skin under it smooth and open.  This makes your look just as good as, or even better than, the big stars of the day.  They understand that how others see you can make a huge impact on how you see yourself, and that’s why so much time, money, effort, and skill go into making celebrities look as good as possible.  That’s also why it’s not worth fretting that you don’t look as “perfect,” as they do, since it is easy to unlock the same secretes that they use to keep their skin shiny and even.

At the end of the day, there is no real difference between you and celebrities.  They are people, just like use, with flaws, just like us.  But they know that their beauty is something that can be treated and made more beautiful.  With a little work and dedication, and the right cosmetics, there is no reason that your skincare routine can’t make you just as fabulous.


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